Might be purging some of my music accounts like Bandcamp and Soundcloud. I have a new higher standard and I'm trying to figure out a certain style I really like.
Bucket of Dragons will be my remixes only account, all music will stay here to catalog my progression for those interested, and some songs that fit will be remade but not all.
As for when I'll release new stuff, that is uncertain. I've got a job now that allows 4 days off in a row so there's a bit more time to work on music than usual, I'm in the process of identifying synths and need a buying them (so far I've got a Volca FM, Ms-20 Mini, Prologue 8, and Behringer TD-3).
And finally, if anyone would like to help me identify the style of the song I'm using as a reference for quality and style, or you know the true, original, artist, let me know. The song is a fake (as far as we know) Daft Punk song titled LCD (LED) on YouTube.
I think that's all. Please Wait Warmly!